piece of equipment in the world uses electricity .Now the world is
facing a serious problem of electricity deficiency. So in this situation
we want to reduce our usage of electricity. Most electricity deficiency
time is between 6 pm to 10 pm (Now we are facing morning peak due to the usage of induction cookers )so in this time you should reduce or
avoid the usage of heavy electricity consuming equipment's like (motor iron box, water heater, ac, grinder etc…)
This will help
to increase life of these equipment's and we can save electricity also.
Don’t use failed/ complained electric equipment's and switch off lights
and fans which are not in use in these times (I know it is impossible to
live with out A/C and Fans).
When 85 millions of electricity
consumers in Kerala switch off a 60 watts bulb in peak load time , then we can
save 360 mega watts of electricity. if a 450 mega watts of electricity
is produced then only consumer get 350 mega watts electricity , cost of
production of 1 mega electric watts is nearly in 8 Crore Indian rupees
. So if you switch of one bulb in peak time you can save a 3600 Crore
rupees .we can use this huge amount of money of different development
programs of the state and country (total Amount spend for education in a
year is near 350 Crore .)
Who is usually blamed for huge current bills? No doubt
it is the ‘meter’. People often complain the meter when they have
to face with huge current bills. The meter in the house runs as fast
as Ussain Bolt who won the gold medal for 100m race. The units get consumed at great speed. But is meter the real culprit? The real culprits are
none other than all the members in a family.
Careless use of Household Appliances
- The fan usually works for the furniture.
- The TV is switched on for the chairs that are not occupied by anyone.
- The motor continues to work even when the water flows out of the tank.
This list goes on up to the mobile charger that hangs out of the plug with the switch on.
Yet all the blames are upon the electricity meter and the electricity bill.....
It is at these circumstances that the news of a huge increase in current
charges started from Jan 1st onwards. According to
the new rates a family using 100 units of electricity with a single
phase connection has to pay an extra amount of Rs.64. When it comes
to two months bill, this amount also gets doubled. There is also a fixed
charge other than this. The increase in electricity charges has affected
the budget of common man.
A great crisis to the country
It’s not a problem that is covered within a house.
The electricity consumption is increasing day by day. In Kerala a great
part of the electricity is used for household purposes. It is estimated
that more than 70 lakhs of houses in Kerala have electricity connection.
According to an Energy Management Centre with its headquarters at Thiruvananthapuram,
about 400 megawatts of electricity can be saved if electricity is properly
used in all these houses.
Can you guess the amount that can be saved by doing
this? If we Keralites make up our mind we can save about Rs.5600 crores.
You can perform this switch off at least for your family budget, along
with the benefit for your country.
If there is a decrease of 20% in the usage of electricity,
there will be a decrease of 30% in the electricity charges. Those who
use the lowest amount of electricity have the lowest tariff charges.
So you should try to maintain the use of electricity thereby control
your budget.
It cannot be attained by simply switching off the
lights and fans sometimes. You should be careful while working with
all electrical appliances. It will help you not only to save electricity,
but also increase the lifespan of your electrical appliances. Though
the above stated things may find very simple to you, try them for at
least one month and see the difference in your electricity bill.
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