Renewable Energy Made Easy: Energy from Alternative Energy Sources

Currently, the apprehension of energy crisis is looming large all over the world. Owing to the indiscriminate use of the non-renewable energy resources they are on the verge of extinction. In such a circumstance it has become pivotal to look for energy sources to meet the ever increasing needs. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory states that many renewable energy technologies are available for use

Some of the best alternative energy sources are

  1. Solar Energy
  2. Hydro power
  3. Geothermal Energy
  4. Wind Energy
  5. Biomass Energy
But these options are limited .We should understand these in detail.


Biomass Energy

Biomass energy has been used since long. People first used it by burning wood to cook food and keep themselves warm in cold weather. Wood is the most common source of biomass energy, but there are many other sources of biomass energy sources including grass, food crops, waste and residue from forestry and agricultural land.
Even the organic waste components emitted by the industries can be used to produce biomass energy. Recently, harvesting methane gas from landfills has become a popular way to produce biomass energy. This energy can be used for generating electricity, for transportation purpose and to produce certain material that would otherwise use the precious, non renewable energy sources
It is no doubt that is sun is the most power natural source of energy. The solar energy (heat and light) which is available in abundance for free can be used for cooling, lighting, water heating, generating electricity and a variety of other purpose both at residential and industrial level. Most of the renewable energy sources are directly or indirectly obtained from the sun. For example, sun’s heat is a major factor responsible for blowing of wind.
The light from the sun is a crucial factor for the growth of plants and trees that are used for producing biomass energy. Additionally, the heat from plays a vital role in the evaporation cycle and the rain, which in turn makes production of hydropower possible

Wind Energy

The natural movement of air occurs when the warm air rises up and it is replaced by the cooler air. The movement of air causes the wind to blow and when the wind blows with great intensity it has tremendous energy.
This energy from the wind has been used to sail ships in the oceans since a long time. Today, with the advancement of technology, the wind energy is used to drive the windmills that are connected to turbines for producing electricity

Geothermal Energy

The natural heat inside the earth’s crust produces hot water and steam. This can be used trapped to drive power generators and produce electricity. This free energy can be used for applications such as heaters or coolers for residential and industrial purposes.
The Geothermal energy can be derived from underground reservoirs through drilling or other geothermal sources that are close to the earth’s surface.

Hydro Power

It is no doubt that is sun is the most power natural source of energy. The solar energy (heat and light) which is available in abundance for free can be used for cooling, lighting, water heating, generating electricity and a variety of other purpose both at residential and industrial level. Most of the renewable energy sources are directly or indirectly obtained from the sun. For example, sun’s heat is a major factor responsible for blowing of wind.
The light from the sun is a crucial factor for the growth of plants and trees that are used for producing biomass energy. Additionally, the heat from plays a vital role in the evaporation cycle and the rain, which in turn makes production of hydropower possible.

Solar Energy

It is no doubt that is sun is the most power natural source of energy. The solar energy (heat and light) which is available in abundance for free can be used for cooling, lighting, water heating, generating electricity and a variety of other purpose both at residential and industrial level. Most of the renewable energy sources are directly or indirectly obtained from the sun. For example, sun’s heat is a major factor responsible for blowing of wind.
The light from the sun is a crucial factor for the growth of plants and trees that are used for producing biomass energy. Additionally, the heat from plays a vital role in the evaporation cycle and the rain, which in turn makes production of hydropower possible.

Biomass Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Energy


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